Monday, 2 May 2016

Keeping Perspective. 5 Tips to Help Create New Habits and Enforce Positive Change

It is of utmost importance when we are trying to create positive change and build new habits that we maintain a sense of perspective. It can be so easy to become distracted, move into anxiety and stress from the simplest of stimuli. Once this happens we begin to drive around inside our bodies on autopilot, and once we are on autopilot we become reactive rather then conscious. The problem is that our reactivity stems from outdated belief systems, the very belief systems we are trying to change in the first place. Let’s take a moment here to explore this farther and why this is so. When we are born we are perhaps preprogrammed on some level to have certain traits but we are not born with specific mindsets.

We learn things in three main ways as we grow.

1.     We are handed the belief down through verbal tutoring.
2.     We misinterpret confusing actions, such as anger from a parent when we are having fun.
3.     We create a fantasy, or assumption and then believe it to be true.

This is called an initial sensitizing event, it creates a specific belief system about who we are and or what the world is like. It becomes the basis for our choices.

Diagram created by Charlotte Brammer

After using these beliefs for many years they start to become unconscious, we don’t even realize why we are doing or feeling things.

As the above diagram shows after the initial belief is created it is accompanied by an emotional reaction, which translates into how we physically show up in the world. This becomes our internal landscape; all our choices and behaviors are filtered through this internal landscape now and often create the very outcomes that prove the initial belief in the first place. As a simple example: if we are told as children we will never succeed then through our actions, reactions and choices we will often create self fulfilling prophecies that create our lack of success. After using these beliefs for many years they start to become unconscious, we don’t even realize why we are doing or feeling things. We can’t see why our outcomes and stories seem to repeat over and over again.

When we are on our journey of returning to wholeness it becomes imperative to bring ourselves back to a state of awareness rather then autopilot. Any change that we are trying to create will need us to keep a sense of perspective, whether that perspective is on the big picture or on a new way of seeing / feeling things. Another way of thinking of this, if you drive in the same place on a dirt road over and over you eventually make deep ruts. It becomes very hard to get out of these ruts. As we look back over our unconscious patterns and dynamics and start creating new healthy belief systems, choices, behaviors and outcomes we start driving on a totally new section of the dirt road. When we loose perspective we swerve and end up back in ruts. To create a new habit we must use the new section of the road until the old ruts fill in over time and we create new healthier ruts. These are also known as neural pathways.

            So how we can stack the odds in our favor as we clear out unhelpful old patterns and create new higher quality outcomes?

Tip Number 1. Mindfulness 

Mindfulness techniques can help us retrain our consciousness to stay more aware of the present moment. In the present moment we can start to become aware of the internal pulls of our preprogramed patterns that have created our current circumstances. Once we have done this training it will be much easier to notice when we have lost our perspective on things and have fallen back into autopilot.

Tip Number 2.  Reminders

I find personally that once I have done the work to heal outdated patterns and dynamics and have created a new way of relating to myself and the world that it often helps me to use an object that is small enough to carry with me to help remind me of the new perspective I am trying to integrate into my life. You can use any object that is suitable as long as you will be able to see it often. Each time you catch sight of it, carry it, touch it or play with allow it to remind you about what you are trying to create. Feel that creation as vividly as you can and see the ripple effects it might create in your life. For example if you realize you can be a success and you feel empowered how might that change the behaviors and outcomes in your life?

Tip Number 3. Compassion

In the times where you slip, where you loose perspective and you find yourself reliving old dynamics, feelings and stories don’t fall into the trap of beating yourself up and letting the inner critic kick you when you are down. Instead take a moment to breath, give yourself a hug. Allow the feelings of frustration to flow through you to completion and then feel the gratitude that you were able to catch the autopilot and bring yourself back to the new perspective. The more you practice this dance the easier it will become to notice when you wander and to bring yourself back. Forgive yourself.

Tip Number 4. Notice Both Fear and Resistance

Part of creating new patterns and creating change is fear and along with it internal resistance. This is perfectly normal especially when we are just getting our feat wet and learning the process. The tip here is to breath, feel the fear and do it anyway. If there is one thing I have learned is that there is always a way and that everything can be figured out with the right attitude and an open mind.

            With internal resistance it will become a great opportunity to try and understand where it is stemming from and to move through it a lot like the outdated belief systems that we are trying to change in the first place.

Tip Number 5. Trust Your Vision and Your Intuition 

In the beginning when you are on your journey to learning who you really are and what the world is really like it can be hard to trust your intuition or to even know what that is. With time it will become easier to recognize. Intuition is a big part of our dreams, our vision of what could be possible if only we had the courage to try. There is a difference inside when something feels right and something feels off. These sensations start to become our inner compass, the driving force behind the inspiration in our lives.

            There is nothing better to help us keep perspective then if we have a vision of what we are trying to create. This vision is something we can hold with us, to create sacred space for it to germinate and manifest. This vision might be as grand as the world or only a small part of our lives. It does not matter the size of the vision only how it makes us feel how real it is to us. If our visions are strong enough then they become worth taking risks and facing our fears, and our intuitions will kick into high gear as we learn to navigate the world of positive change.

Charlotte Brammer
Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist

Equine Assisted Therapist

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