Wednesday, 5 November 2014

How to Create Successful Healing and Change

Questions - 

1.     What is healing?
2.     How do people heal?
3.     What is successful therapy?
4.     What are the drawbacks?

My name is Charlotte Brammer; I am a Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist and Equine Facilitated therapist. I have been practicing for 8 years and have been soul searching for most of my remembered life. I currently work part time at Mahaya offering Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Reiki. I also work at The Oasis Farm and Wellness Centre in Peterborough where I offer Equine Facilitated Therapy, workshops and retreats and 360 Wellness in Peterborough offering Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Reiki.

My intention for today is to create a new paradigm or relationship to how we  think of and define healing and therapy. I believe there is so much potential and benefit for all involved if only we can change the unhealthy views that create the major draw backs to healing and therapy in general.

It is armed with true knowledge and wisdom about the human experience that we can actually create lasting, sustainable change.

What is Healing?

Healing is returning to a natural state from an unnatural one; the reason we heal is to improve our quality of life.

How we define quality of life will ultimately guide what we work on healing or changing first. Our quality of life is basically a holistic look at our lives, from being financially at ease, to feeling fulfilled in what we do, to living to our full capacities and experiencing new things, to enjoy physical health or even simply feeling at ease with ourselves. Quality of life is basically living to our highest joy, peace and fulfillment in all areas now. Living in a natural state aligns us closer to this ideal; while living in an unnatural state keeps us stuck in place living a life mostly unfulfilled, stressed out and suffering on some level.

How Do People Heal? 

When it comes to timelines, each individual has their own. As we learn about healing, and get better with practice, we can speed up the time it takes to get from awareness of an issue to its completion. When it comes to specifically diving into belief systems or aspects to heal, there is no a,b,c,d, that everyone follows; the issues we are dealing with are the ones that are currently affecting our lives in this moment. In other words they are the ones that we are aware of because they are active. There is however a basis for commonality within healing. In order to return to a natural state we all must reclaim a healthy connection to our:

·       Physical bodies                                                         
·       Emotional sensations
·       Mental faculties
·       Live with Direction (some call this our spiritual nature)
·       and finally we must integrate our holistic experience of life (how all these aspects integrate as one experience creating our external circumstances.)
·       Make Changes to our external circumstances

There are infinite modalities for each of these 4 aspects; fewer on how to integrate them. Which modality is chosen will depend greatly on the person and their own unique makeup along with their own personal interests, needs, and in the end all roads lead to Rome.

That being said there is another aspect to healing that must be looked at and it is how we affect and create lasting sustainable beneficial change. This is something that has inspired me, driven me crazy passionate to clarify and understand. It again goes back to the aspects of life. I call it the Formula for beneficial change. It deals with how we enter into an unnatural state in the first place and then how we can heal and return back to a natural state. Without going into a long winded speech as this could be its own talk, in order to create change we have to re-write the old way at every level. From the mental belief, to the emotional reaction, to the physical holding patterns inevitably to the choices we make creating different outcomes then the ones we are used to.

We can't become aware of something to heal until it activates within our lives enabling us to bring awareness to it. Our ability to be vigilantly aware of ourselves as well as our readiness to work with and address the dynamics that are active will also have a lot to do with what our timelines end up looking like.

In my experience the art of healing goes in waves, it has peaks and it has valleys. There are times where we are actively engaged, cleaning out and making changes; while at other times we completely surrender, relax, go with the flow of life, experience, live in joy and rejuvenate.

What is Successful Therapy?

There are a few main reasons why people come to therapy:

1.     To get an education in how to heal
2.     For support
3.     To gain a different perspective and to have their unnatural beliefs challenged
4.     To achieve specific Goals - To Heal

In life we are so busy that it is hard to be able to become an expert in everything. We can go to school to be an accountant but still need to hire someone to do our graphic design; marketing and so on for the financial firm we just opened to drive business. The same is true for healing, one of the biggest reasons we seek out health experts is that we don't have the time to become masters and so utilize their time, learning, expertise and passions to help educate ourselves quickly on what we need to know in order to create the goals we desire.

The other reason is most human beings on this earth can only offer us so much support. Everyone is busy and leading full lives, health professionals are just one more person, one more tool in your toolbox to give you support when you need it.

The third is to gain an educated and different perspective on an issue that you are dealing with. Health professional have gone through years of schooling, years of research and client based learning as well as hopefully years of introspection on themselves all leading to what hopefully is a beneficial service that helps you achieve your goals and heal.

Here is where my definition of successful therapy diverts from the mainstream view. Normally when signing up to see a therapist, whether it is a psychologist or psychiatrist it is a very long commitment to that therapist who promises to fix you as long as you do a gruelling amount of work and everything they say. Instead I believe we need to change our relationship to healing, instead I see it as a commitment to ourselves, a commitment to care for and make fulfilling beneficial steps to improving our quality of life.

Instead of seeing one person I believe in a community of healing which not only includes professionals, but yourself, friends, family - a tribe that gets you and supports you as well. While yes it takes a lifetime, as we are never truly done growing and learning and healing, therapy like healing should go in waves, as you need it. The therapist is there to help educate, support and challenge you when you need it. In this way I see therapy as more flexible, working with the natural flow of change and healing instead of as either a one shot go or extended weekly sessions for the next 10 years. Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Equine facilitated therapy work with all the other modalities to offer you what you need when they call to you and not otherwise.

In this way we work alongside our needs, our nature, our desires instead of against them. We strive for organic growth instead of driving for unhealthy shifts based on out-dated views of clients being sick and needing to be "cured." In this way everyone finds benefit and we create health based on community and giving back. We simply strive for betterment in every moment or allow ourselves the compassion and understanding when we have run out of gas and can only cope, giving ourselves space and time. I believe our definitions that create the structures of therapy need to grow, change and heal along with us, so that therapy can continue to hold benefits and gifts for us moving into a future of change.

Thank you

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