Saturday, 1 August 2015

Where Our Consciousness As A Species Is Going; Creating a Whole Education

As a species I believe half our education is missing. The funny thing is you can find both sides of this education, albeit slightly skewed, within our cultures and history. The interesting thing is how they have been kept on opposite sides of the spectrum, and ridiculed depending on which side you stand upon. On one we have science and on the other we have self-mastery, or in other words the outer world and the inner. All the religions of the world have tried illuminating the path to self-understanding and awareness. At the core they speak of our connection to the creative force inherent in all the forms of the diverse manifestation of energy within our known universe. In creating this force as external to us they unfortunately missed. Science in fact has begun to try to understand and illuminate this seemingly infinite and omnipresent force as well and sees the connection inherent in all including us but has missed the point of how this is valuable to self-mastery or our experience of ourselves. Where I believe we miss is in our compartmentalization of what is useful and important. In our history that has swung from survival, to religiousness, to science, to spirituality and now to, well in many cases, a freeing of mind to the unknown.

I believe since the moment that we compartmentalized ourselves there has been an imbalance leading to striving for power and control based on the first stage of survival. As the pendulum of our conscious growth swings it has been learning through these manifestations of survival, religiousness, to science, to spirituality. So where are these evolutions leading too for our global, and as Carl Jung coined it, collective consciousness? I believe that as a species we are on the cusp of being able to finally merge our education into a complete one; the merging of our outer understanding with a deeper understanding of our inner world. All of our previous manifestations of learning have been aimed at getting us there, however because they didn’t contain each other they were incomplete. You can’t compartmentalize education and teach but a few courses and hope that the rest of the subjects will become illuminated on their own.

            As we as a species have changed our form of education and in doing so our consciousness we have been creating and re-creating our social and world systems to suit our new awareness. I believe that in this external mirror we can see how complete or lacking our education has been. If the system is causing damage and isn’t working then it shows a lack in our education. This couldn’t be clearer right now as how can our education be complete while we hurt one another and destroy the very things we need to survive. This goes against the very first stage of our learning. So what does complete education look like? It is an education of both the inner and outer world. It is the study and deep understanding of self, of our motivations of our true experience. From this place understanding technology and social systems and the universe will allow us to expand our awareness and power in a healthy and beneficial way. To gain power and not understand our own drivers for using that power is insanity; so to is not teaching emotional intelligence to a species who’s basic driver in life is emotionally based.

The journey must start to focus the individual inwards; the greatest changes begin this way. This process is not without its growing pains. It can be very uncomfortable and dislocating to dissolve your definitions of self and society. What you realize once you do it is that you still exist without definitions and you begin to glimpse your own vastness. We are so much larger then our small-minded definitions allow. In this vastness it is incomprehensible to choose destruction and small-minded social constructs. You realize that things like fitting in, or proving your value have absolutely no meaning along with many other social pressures. It is a perspective change to one of inner freedom. Once the journey inward reaches its pinnacle it dissolves into an outward movement once more. We begin to experience the creative force that we continually outflow into our environment. It is at this point that we realize the true innate power that we possess. This is why so many voices say the most powerful shift for the world is the one that happens within an individual being, and it is true.

In conclusion, in our current stage of returning our minds back to a state of innocence, of possibility, to the unknown and breaking down the rigid and stagnant past limitations of all our compartmentalizing we need to begin to redefine our education in this life. We need to redefine ourselves and our place within the scheme of life on this planet and the universe. We need to let go of our definitions of consciousness and begin to expand through experience in both inner and outer directions to fully understand anything of value. The inner journey is trying to understand what exactly the human experience is; it is trying to learn about our multiple types of intelligences, not just the mental one. This inner exploration will allow us to grasp the significance of the information we learn about our external world, how to recreate better social systems, cultural systems. Bio and ecological systems can be protected and restored and we can try to deeply pursue the mysteries of the universe and life in a non-invasive way. Not only will it be non-invasive but also our search can be unlimited once we can transcend the bounds of safe science that we feel constricted to for fear of alienation. It is time for a holistic education and true freedom for mankind’s experience and growth. 


Charlotte Brammer
Psychotherapist . Hypnotherapist
Equine Assisted Therapist . Reiki Master
Living Clarity